Hinweis auf Konferenz: Queen Elizabeth I: Past and Present

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Abgeschickt von Martine am 21 Maerz, 2003 um 17:00:44:

So, da hab ich doch mal kurz in einem Nachbarforum gewildert... :

Queen Elizabeth I: Past and Present
International Conference on the Occasion
of the 400th Anniversary of her Death

| 22. - 24. Mai 2003 |
Tagungsleitung: Prof. Dr. Christa Jansohn
| Universität Bamberg |

The conference will appeal to everyone interested in the charismatic character of Elizabeth I, her time and afterlife. Distinguished speakers from Europe and the United States will focus on important aspects of Elizabeth's subtle and resourceful political power and the long-standing struggle she faced at home and abroad as well as the threats posed to her power. The conference will also bring together for the first time a series of papers about the fictive representations of Queen Elizabeth I in literature, music and film. The papers will illuminate the fascinating story of her numerous afterlifes and their significance for the cultural history of England, its sense of identity and psyche. Other papers will investigate the ceremony, festivities and dance practices at her court and will bring to life the cultural significance of this colourful and extraordinary monarch. There will be two concerts, a demonstration of Elizabethan dance, a recital and a book-display.

Registration deadline is 2 May 2003

Wer noch mehr wissen will, klickt dann mal auf den Link unten.

Und warum ist es hier eigentlich so RUHIG????
Sind die PiF-Leser final geschockt? Ist was passiert was ich versäumt habe?

Oder ist irgendwo der Frühling ausgebrochen und ihr habt besseres zu tun????



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