Abgeschickt von Martine am 21 Dezember, 2001 um 01:19:28:
ein kleiner Vers, den uns Barabra in Köln beigebracht hat.
natürlich dieVersion für die Lymondaines, - die Nicolettes müssen dann die Schlußzeile ändern...
The Ostrich is the perfect site
For DD's next convention.
It's warm,it's bright, not closed at night,
And worthy of attention.
And those who miss the castle scene
or Viking ships or Dolly,
Just gaze upon the heroine
The marvellous redhaired Molly.
And this shall be, I do maintain,
To all those who will need her,
Whatever books may come or go
I'll stay a Dunnett reader!
So gorgeous, bright, can sing and fight,
A poet and musician.
Young Master Crawford is just right,
Forget the competition.
For golden hair and cornflower eye
I'd like to take my chances,
I'll hide inside a blackberry pie
And then jump out on Francis.
(Barabra Lethbridge)
Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr!
A Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Feliz Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo
Joyeus Noel et Bonne Année!
Nollaig chridheil agus bliadhna mhath ur!
Noeliniz ve yeni yiliniz kutlu olsun!
Nedeleg laouen na bloav ezh mat!
Gleðileg Jól og Farsaelt Komandi ár!
Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo!
E gueti Winachte un e glecklichs Nej Johr!
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva i s Novim Godom!
Schaut zwischen den Jahren mal vorbei, und rutscht gut hinüber, wo immer ihr auch feiert...